
Friday, 12 July 2013

PPTCT CME at Dr Pinnamaneni Siddhartha Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Foundation

Dates - 25-28th  June  2013

Participants:  Total 455

1. MBBS Students  -85 
2. Nursing staff -140
3. PGs and Interns- 185
4. Faculty and Staff  - 45

Resource Persons

  • Dr.Karuna Murthy, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine 
  • Dr.Vishnu Vardhana Rao, Associate Professor, Microbiology,
  • Dr.Prasanthi, Associate Professor, OBGY, 
  • Dr.Narisimha Rao, Assistant Professor, Paediatric Department

Representatives from SHARE India and DAPCU

1. Mr Simachalam Naidu , PO, SHARE India
2. Mr Narasimhan Murthy S, PO, SHARE India
3. Mr.Kiran Pandit-DPM , DAPCU
4. Sr. Delna, Project Coordinator, PPTCT outreach program
5. Ms J Prasanthi Choudhary , DIS, DAPCU


Assigning different resource persons for each session ensured that one facilitator was not overburdened and that sessions were not monotonous for participants. A similar session plan maybe recommended for future CMEs

As discussed during the planning of CMEs the facilitators tried to ensure that the sessions were interactive. The participants from all batches also engaged with facilitators and clarified their doubts etc.

Involvement of District Administration & PPTCT outreach team was helpful in facilitating discussions on referrals and linkages.

We congratulate the team at  Pinnamaneni Siddhartha Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Foundation (PSIMS&RF)  for their efforts and wish them the best in their efforts in following the new PPTCT regimen.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Batch 3 - Training on Revised PPTCT Guidelines for Private Medical Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

The 3rd Batch of trainings on the on Revised PPTCT Guidelines was successfully completed in June 2013.

In order to understand the concept of these trainings please click here. This post only provides some basic information about the training.

Participating Institutions
1. Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences
2. MediCiti Institute of Medical Sciences
3. Bhaskar Medical College
4. Shadan Medical College
5. Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
6. Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences
7. PES Medical College

1. Dr. K. Srinivasa Varma, Senior Program Manager, 2. SHARE India
3. Dr. Emanuel, Regional Coordinator, CST Division, APSACS.
4. Dr. Priya, Medical Officer, Pediatrics Centre Of Excellence 

The batch trained 31 participants from these institutions.  

Each of the participating medical colleges developed an action plan for dissemination of learnings at their institutions through Continuing Medical Education. As per their plans approximately 2750, undergraduates, post graduates, faculty and nurses will be oriented on the new PPCTC regimen.
Clear action plans were also drawn up by each team for strengthening referrals with HIV facilities outside the institution and strengthening coordination between departments within it.