Dates - 25-28th June 2013
Participants: Total 455
1. MBBS Students -85
2. Nursing staff -140
3. PGs and Interns- 185
4. Faculty and Staff - 45
Resource Persons
- Dr.Karuna Murthy, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine
- Dr.Vishnu Vardhana Rao, Associate Professor, Microbiology,
- Dr.Prasanthi, Associate Professor, OBGY,
- Dr.Narisimha Rao, Assistant Professor, Paediatric Department
Representatives from SHARE India and DAPCU
1. Mr Simachalam Naidu , PO, SHARE India
2. Mr Narasimhan Murthy S, PO, SHARE India
3. Mr.Kiran Pandit-DPM , DAPCU
4. Sr. Delna, Project Coordinator, PPTCT outreach program
5. Ms J Prasanthi Choudhary , DIS, DAPCU
• Assigning different resource persons for each session ensured that one facilitator was not overburdened and that sessions were not monotonous for participants. A similar session plan maybe recommended for future CMEs
• As discussed during the planning of CMEs the facilitators tried to ensure that the sessions were interactive. The participants from all batches also engaged with facilitators and clarified their doubts etc.
• Involvement of District Administration & PPTCT outreach team was helpful in facilitating discussions on referrals and linkages.
• Assigning different resource persons for each session ensured that one facilitator was not overburdened and that sessions were not monotonous for participants. A similar session plan maybe recommended for future CMEs
• As discussed during the planning of CMEs the facilitators tried to ensure that the sessions were interactive. The participants from all batches also engaged with facilitators and clarified their doubts etc.
• Involvement of District Administration & PPTCT outreach team was helpful in facilitating discussions on referrals and linkages.
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